Monday, February 24, 2014

My Porfolio

Michael Jackson

Here with have some Michael Jackson icons of some of his famous poses. I felt very confident about these designs, i have always like Michael Jackson, so doing this was lots of fun.

Borus the Guinea Hog

Here is a Guinea Hog that i created for my design class. It's really simple and i think it turned out great. I'm very proud of my shading and tints, because i always do them different on each design and very uniquely.  The hog's name is Borus and he is a cute pig who likes to have fun and eat.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Goal of the Future

The smell of winter green from the Christmas tree. The crackling, crushing sound of the tree flakes cover the entire floor as I step around. The beat of Arab music playing all throughout the house, so loud you can hear it from Saudi Arabia.  The Christmas lights so bright that they are blinding me. The sound of rips and tears from the plastic wrapping flying everywhere. My eyes shot open to see that I got as artist kit as a present. Every single second of the day you would catch me using that kit, from painting to drawing, you couldn’t stop me. This is how I remember when I got an interest in designing and art. Since then my mom and dad would teach me their skills and techniques of drawing and design. I started off with the human body, “this is so hard!” They would tell me about all the different body positions, angles, and perspectives. There were so many muscles you could use and manipulate to give your art style. This helped me out so much; my parents would always give a little bit of creative dreams and realism in your art, which later I learned, in my art classes that that was called surrealism. So as a kid that was so easy and fun because kids have the most creative minds. “Find one thing in your design, and really detail it,” that’s something that I will always remember from my dad. I have progressed over the years and my skills have got severely better.  When I was 17 I worked to get some money to buy a high tech computer to help me grown my graphic design skills. “I got a space ship!” That’s what I would tell all my friends, my computer literally looked like one. I had to wear sun glasses because of the white chromed out shell. It is very futuristic and it has bright blue L.E.D light, which is my favorite part. It reaches up to my hip and it is as heavy as an elephant! The speed that this computer runs is as fast as a cheetah; it is truly an amazing computer. This really made my brain jump far ahead in the years to be thinking of making t-shirt designs, company logos, and posters. I have been making illustrations for about a year now, and so many people love my work.  I can really let my imagination run wild, when I got a pen and paper in my hands. That’s why like my dad before me, I’d like to make my goal as a designer.